Dec 18, · 13 Blogging Websites Where You Get Paid to Write. 1. SitePoint ー Get paid to write blogs. SitePoint is a technology website. It publishes articles related to technical writing topics, such as. 2. List verse ー Pays you for blog writing. 3. Cracked ー Aug 01, · In the meantime, you can check out some of these sites that pay you to write for them. I’ve done my best to find some of the top paying sites that pay at least $$ per article. Sites That Pay You To Write For Them. I’ve done my best to put some of these sites in one place to make it easy for you to make money with your blog Jun 20, · Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance business writer, and indie author. She runs numerous websites & blogs including All Freelance Writing, Freelance Writing Pros, BizAmmo, NakedPR, and Kiss My Biz
List of Top 50 Get Paid to Blog Sites for Writing Posts
Are you good at writing and looking for good opportunities to make money with this skill? Then you have arrived at the right spot. With writing as your skill, you are good to go and make either a full-time earning by freelancing or a considerable decent income by side hustling. However, it blog sites that pay writers not so easy to find a good job easily.
You will need to do a lot of research about the market, the kind of writing needed, payment, etc. To make it easy for you I have done all that and came up with this article.
In this article, I would like to help you all with everything about writing and provide you the information about the available websites that pay writers. So you can happily sit at home and work. So why delay let us dive in and know more. Before giving you the list of websites that pay for writers, blog sites that pay writers, I would like to let you know something about writing. It is because of writing that there is a record of almost everything ever since the beginning of the existence of human life.
History exists because of writing, blog sites that pay writers. It is such a great boon for all of us and has many more benefits. It is something that we will never go out of need. Due to the purpose that writing plays there has emerged a need for writers and hence providing livelihood to many.
There should be authenticity and a lot of quality in the work. With the world evolving every day, there are many different kinds of writing needs such as:. Though there is a difference in the knowledge required to write in the above formats, the common thing is to have basic writing skills.
But what are they? Continue reading to know. Being a writer requires less to be considered when compared to other jobs.
All that one looks to hire you is good writing skills. And that is the only basic and strong requirement. Do you think you blog sites that pay writers all these blog sites that pay writers and still not good to start? If you possess these skills then you will be hired for sure as a writer no matter if you are a beginner. So check with all these skills and make improvements where ever required before you proceed to apply with any company for a writing job. Apart from this, there is certain equipment that a writer needs.
One may think what does a writer blog sites that pay writers more than a paper and pen. Now that you learned about blog sites that pay writers all you need to be a writer, you can judge yourself if you are ready to work or not. If yes, then here are the opportunities listed below. Freelance Writing for Beginners — The Definitive Guide Update.
This list of websites that pay for writing is for all the writers out there. No matter if you are a newbie, or a half-decent writer, or an eloquent writer you can find a suitable opportunity from this list. Each writing opportunity available here are for a huge variety of topics ranging from parenting to business.
So make sure that you are flexible with the genre before you apply with them. There are numerous websites out there that pay writers. If you feel like you can deliver their content requirement then the opportunity is all yours.
This is a sort of traveling company based in the UK that helps people have amazing adventures. They also run a blog on their website where stories of their instructors and outdoor communities are published. You can be a writer at Land and Wave if you are someone who loves the outdoors and adventures.
They also pay well which is around ££ You might be confused by looking at the name of this website. But this is a job board for journalism enthusiasts in search of jobs in that field. On their website, JournalismJobs have a career advice section where they publish different articles.
It is a kind of blog that they run and require content writers to write those articles. So if you enjoy community journalism and if you are social media blog sites that pay writers, then this writing job of creating catchy headlines and other stuff is a perfect match for you. This is another website that pays writers well. Basically, blog sites that pay writers, they call themselves Magazine of the Central Coast. If you are a freelance writer based in the US looking for some interesting work then you can find it here.
Central Coast Journal wants the writers to deliver positive, feel-good content about different things in the Central Coast area such as local profiles, lifestyle, entertainment, travel, health, etc.
They also require you to submit the photos or artwork along with your articles to get published. Back2College is a news and resource website for adults who are returning to college to pursue advanced careers and professional development.
They require writers who can create feature articles addressing different issues such as financial aid, education programs, online education, etc for older students. If this seems interesting to you, submit queries or entries by contacting them at the address available on their website.
If you are a freelance writer who loves traveling then this place is for you. This Ireland based website encourages people in travel writing and blogging and also offers space to publish their stories. Great Escape Publishing also often feature other blog blog sites that pay writers related to photography, business, etc. This is a blog where people can share ideas, innovations, and inspiration about pets and other animals they love.
Their main aim is to help pet lovers learn about responsible social media usage and also help pets in need. If you are a pet lover, you might find BlogPaws dreamy, blog sites that pay writers. So without any delay jump on to their website to read the guidelines on what kind of content they want.
This is a British based website that publishes news and opinions of the general community who are not much into journalism, blog sites that pay writers. The Overtake mainly looks for original stories that revolve around social issues, popular culture, etc.
This is a travel community that helps people travel by organizing everything for them. It is basically like a travel guide. There blog sites that pay writers great writing opportunities on the BootsnAll blog, blog sites that pay writers. They usually look for writers who love traveling and have done the same to share their experiences.
If you are one such writer then keep an eye on their website for openings and get featured. This is an online community for parents where parents get motivation for parenting. This life skills parenting blog looks for parents to contribute to their content.
If you have experience in parenting then this opportunity is for you. The word count must be words. You can submit your articles to A Fine Parent via their prescribed method, and if it is selected for publication you will be paid for it.
This is an adult education magazine for social justice. They usually look for and publish socially relevant content that is powerfully written and inspires a discussion that may lead to change.
If you have a passion for social reforming or dealing with social issues, then the Change Agen t is the right place for you. They specify the call for articles and you can submit your articles according to it, blog sites that pay writers.
The UK Domain helps small businesses by offering them advice on starting, building, and growing an online company through their blog posts. This is a kind of job board for writers.
You can register on their website and create your profile. Once done, Constant-Content will help you browse and find suitable writing jobs for you with different brands. Coming to pay, it will differ with the brand or company you get to work with through their website. This is a UK based travel magazine where you can find travel advice, trip, and country information, and several other articles and blog posts featuring all about traveling.
Wanderlust is one more website that pays writers for the travel lover in you, blog sites that pay writers. You can submit your articles or posts as they would love to hear and share your experiences on their website. Do you have a great sense of humor and can transmit it via your words?
Then Cracked is such a humorous website that is ready to pay writers like you. You can just simply register on their website if you are interested to write for them and are passionate about the genre.
You can submit your travel articles to their team of editors and earn as much as £50 to £ per published article. If you have certain knowledge in personal finance then DollarStretcher is one of the best places to write and make money. They assist in financial education and offer frugal living ideas to their readers. They usually publish articles on three topics such as features, poetry, and working for a living. There is a prescribed length for all three topics and they pay accordingly.
Dropzone is a website that deals with all things skydiving. If you too are interested in this and have ample knowledge about this industry like safety, gear, training, blog sites that pay writers, etc, then they are ready to hear from you. For more queries, you can visit their website. This is a website dedicated to parents where they get to learn a lot of things about parenting like raising a blog sites that pay writers, alternative health, etc.
They also have an opportunity to chat with like-minded parents. The articles must be of length — words and words if short opinion piece.
Best 27 Websites to Get Paid as a Freelance Writer (2019)
, time: 11:52Get Paid to Write: 13 Freelance Sites That Will Pay You to blog (Updated) - Moss Media

Dec 18, · 13 Blogging Websites Where You Get Paid to Write. 1. SitePoint ー Get paid to write blogs. SitePoint is a technology website. It publishes articles related to technical writing topics, such as. 2. List verse ー Pays you for blog writing. 3. Cracked ー Jun 20, · Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance business writer, and indie author. She runs numerous websites & blogs including All Freelance Writing, Freelance Writing Pros, BizAmmo, NakedPR, and Kiss My Biz Mar 10, · Best Travel Sites That Pay for Your Posts. 1. Great Escape Publishing. 2. Nevada Magazine. 3. Transitions Abroad. 4. The Travel Writer’s Life. 5. Holidays Up to $ PayPal
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