Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Bus journey descriptive writing

Bus journey descriptive writing

bus journey descriptive writing

May 05,  · The bus started its journey little late than scheduled. The people seated comfortably near the windows wore happy faces while looking at the outside world. The people seated near the aisle were cursing the standing persons who had no option but to occasionally lean on the seat corners. The air was hot and filled with strange unpleasant blogger.comg: descriptive writing Jul 21,  · Short essay on A Journey in an Overcrowded Bus (free to read). Most of the buses in Delhi are over­crowded. Traveling by a DOT’S bus is an ordeal. Last Sunday, I Sep 01,  · Descriptive Essay – One Day while Travelling in a Bus. Posted on September 1, by Fatin Zalikha. 0. The yellow bus stops a few feet from me. A man and a woman enter the bus via the front door before I too climb into the bus. The atmosphere in the bus begin to get a bit stiffing with the loud music on and the old man puffing on his

Journey by Bus Essay – Suitable For All Class 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 | Ontaheen

Perhaps when I returned back to the stop on campus I would see her there next to the students, waiting for our bus to come back. But when I finally got there, after mustering enough strength to exit myself, she was nowhere to be found. I stood there thinking for a long time. I saw all the busses come and go.

Then in the distance, I saw the bus I had become so familiar with coming back. I ran as fast as I can towards my bus stop. Upon arriving I realize that despite the hectic hurry of mornings I am actually early, bus journey descriptive writing.

The large coach's doors slide open to a small flight of stairs, bus journey descriptive writing, which give way to the seats, the people on it are all staring out of the window. Everybody seems somber and detached. Others hurried towards me, anxious for the bus to arrive so they too could be bound for home. The bus approached its stop; a lot of people were trying to get on as the company I worked for was large, bus journey descriptive writing.

I awaited my turn to come and as I hunted a fifty pence piece in my pockets. As I set foot on to the bus, I smelt the strong and intoxicating, alcoholic drink which some teenagers had been pouring down there throats, bus journey descriptive writing, I also felt as I walked, the disgusting rubbish that was left on the floor I inserted the money and dragged out my ticket. As the sickening smell continued I sat down at the front and set my eyes on a Metro newspaper. Some people think that the front of the bus is the new back.

Hmm, personally I think the back of the bus will always be where the self confessed, cool people choose to sit. Nobody can see you. BUS DRIVER: Hey Kid! Are you going to sleep there all day or get off my bus?

ANGELICA [Her eyes shift around, bus journey descriptive writing, as she takes notice of the empty vehicle. She regains composure. Her voice raspy]: Sorry sir, I didn't mean to fall asleep. We get on like a house on fire. Until one day when Marty fell ill he would be back in a few months but i would miss our chats. Knowing me I started to talk.

As I was just about to aboard, the bus my close friend, Nelson had text me asking if I wanted to go with him to Starbucks. I had quickly responded yes and hopped to the student parking area trying to make sure that I was not going to get tackled by a bus. It had felt great outside, but I had worked up a sweat due to all of the books I was caring along with all the hopping I had done within that short period of time, bus journey descriptive writing.

Eventually I had texted him back and told him to meet me at the entrance cause I had become exhausted from the long walk and was. Traumatic events come in many different ways at many different times of ones life. Mine came on the school bus while I was on my way home from school. The bus had stopped to let a couple kids off and I stood up to throw some trash away. I stood up we were rear ended by a young lady who had been trying to get a bee out of the car and not realized the bus had stopped.

I was standing up and the impact caused me to bang into the seat in front of me and the one behind me. I was waiting for my boyfriend to join me like usual. He was always the last one out. We sat in the same seats every bus journey to and from school. Bus journey descriptive writing other kids on the bus were always scared to sit in our seats because they thought we would beat them up.

I also packed my running shoes, I had a big day ahead of me, bus journey descriptive writing. I kissed my Mum on the bus journey descriptive writing and waved good bye to her as she drove away. My first class was as boring as watching paint dry. As soon as the teacher dismissed us, I ran out of the classroom down the hall to Jeanie's locker, She had already called the school saying we needed to have a doctors appointment. We snuck off the school grounds and took a bus to Brophy, I needed to see JP, I was falling in love with him and I needed to see him.

It was like scratching an itch I couldn't help myself, bus journey descriptive writing. Home Page Descriptive Essay - The Interesting Bus Ride Home. Descriptive Essay - The Interesting Bus journey descriptive writing Ride Home Better Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The Interesting Bus Ride Home When most people think about an eventful or memorable place, they almost certainly would not picture a bus. As we all know, buses are not exactly attractive.

The design scheme is the same in almost every bus: rows and rows of brown seats, a thin black aisle down the middle of the bus, hundreds of hazy windows, and the big, lemon-yellow exterior. Not many people, I am sure, would consider buses to be an important part of their lives. However, if a person were to bus journey descriptive writing about it, they would realize that they probably have had at least one memorable experience in their life that took place on a bus.

One of the most memorable bus experiences in my life happened when I was in fifth grade. The final bell at school had rung, so I sprinted out to the bus with a few of my friends to save seats since our bus was always crowded. After we flung our backpacks into the four back seats, we ran back inside the school to buy some Mountain Dew from the pop machine in the cafeteria. After jamming our quarters into the machine and snatching the cans out of the bin, we sprinted back outside to make sure we did not miss the bus.

It was still there, in all its yellow glory, bus journey descriptive writing, so we hurried through the doors and onto the bus. It had been wet and cloudy since that morning--a typical Oregon day--and as I made my way to the back of the bus, the faint smell bus journey descriptive writing rain mingled with the rubbery-plastic smell of hundreds of little rain boots.

When I finally got to my seatI was rather unnerved to find that not only was someone sitting in my seat, but that that someone was none other than Nathaniel Larson, the most obnoxious kid in the 5th grade. I took a deep breath and said, in the kindest voice I could muster, " Nathanyou middle of paper int was chipped on the outside, and on the inside the chairs had holes and writing all over them, bus journey descriptive writing.

Oddly, though, this bus smelled slightly of paint, which was a huge contrast to its shabby condition. But to us, this dingy yellow vessel was beautiful; it was warm, and it would take us home. Everyone had a tired, almost forlorn look, as though they had been through much more than just switching buses.

I did not have any concept of time as the bus chugged along, stopping occasionally to let people off, bus journey descriptive writing, and all of a sudden I recognized that it was almost to my stop. I jerked out of the stupor I was in as the bus stopped in front of my apartment complex. As I gathered up my things to bus journey descriptive writing, I looked at my friends and said, "Well, this will make one interesting story at school tomorrow!

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Essay on A Journey by Bus �� in English -- Study Pride Corner

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Descriptive Essay On My Bus Ride - Words | Bartleby

bus journey descriptive writing

Dec 09,  · Journey by Bus Essay – Normally, we most of the time believe that, as far as sightseeing is concerned, a journey by boat is the most pleasurable, because such a journey generally allows us to enjoy the natural scenery with ease of mind. But a journey is concerned more with feeling than with observation. And much can be enjoyed and felt when a sense of motion is combined with Descriptive Writing On The Bus. A shuttle bus was on its way with Chicago, Illinois as its final destination from Louisville, Kentucky. There were stops in various cities along the way; Bloomington, Indiana was one of them and was where I got on the shuttle Jul 21,  · Short essay on A Journey in an Overcrowded Bus (free to read). Most of the buses in Delhi are over­crowded. Traveling by a DOT’S bus is an ordeal. Last Sunday, I

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