American Paper Export Inc. (APEx Inc.) is a leading Pulp and Paper trading company with corporate headquarters in Vancouver, Canada. We have positioned ourselves in key markets around the globe including South East and Far East Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America Pulp and Paper businesses make boxes. Boxes are in huge demand because of online shopping. China has stopped taking paper garbage so recyclers have dropped prices to basically get ride of garbage. Cas, rfp, and many others are making money, getting improved terms on debt etc. More future demand for paper products straws food containers and Pulp & Paper Canada reports on the pulp and paper industry in Canada through articles about mills, people, innovations in research, technology, management and financing, as
A number of Canadian pulp and paper companies pulp and paper companies and their chemical suppliers have taken early action to phase out their use of products containing nonyphenol ethoxylates NPEsin advance of either reg….
A number of Canadian pulp and paper companies and their chemical suppliers have taken early action to phase out their use of products containing nonyphenol ethoxylates NPEscanadian pulp and paper companies, in advance of either regulatory requirements or a comprehensive environmental assessment of their effects in Canada. Nonyphenol ethoxylates NPEs belong to the alkylphenol ethoxylate family of non-ionic surfactants chemicals that reduce surface tension and are used in a wide range of industrial processes including textile manufacturing, metal degreasing, commercial and institutional cleaning, and pulp and paper processing.
An estimated tonnes t per year of NPEs are used in Canada each year. Public concern over NPEs dates back to the early s, when they began to be phased out of household soaps and detergents due to their toxicity, their slow and incomplete biodegradability, and their resulting bioaccumulation in aquatic wildlife. More recently, NPEs and their breakdown products have come under renewed scrutiny for their endocrine disrupting properties. This latter concern has attracted much attention from environmental groups, such as the World Wildlife Fund Canada WWF Canadawhich has made the phase-out of NPEs one of its top priorities.
NPEs are also attracting more government attention. Environment Canada and Health Canada are currently conducting a rigorous environmental and human health assessment of NPEs to determine if they should be classified as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
If they are, the federal government would then initiate regulatory or voluntary restrictions on their use. Companies using NPEs may also feel some public pressure as information on their use and discharge becomes more widely available under the National Pollutants Release Inventory NPRI.
Reporting requirements kick in inand data will be made publicly available in As early aspulp and paper companies such as Nexfor, Atlantic Packaging, and Bowater Pulp and Paper Canada, canadian pulp and paper companies, among others, led the way in efforts to replace their NPE-based surfactants with alternative products. Quite apart from the environmental risk posed by NPEs, the action of these canadian pulp and paper companies can be explained by a convergence of three key factors.
First, a series of environmental issues such as the release of chlorinated substances including dioxins garnered public attention. Knowing that their sector is one of the most scrutinized in the country, there is sensitivity to public concerns, even if there is no direct regulatory threat in sight.
Second, in terms of their own bottom line, the cost of substituting these products was small and involved little or no interruption in production. This meant little resistance from either operational managers or shareholders.
Finally, and most importantly, companies were able to act quickly because alternatives were available for most types of products. Linear alcohol ethoxylates are the most common substitute for NPEs. Some companies worked closely with suppliers to ensure that the alternative products were equally as effective as those containing NPEs, while others simply sent a memo to their suppliers announcing that they would no longer use NPE-based products.
In the case of Nexfor formerly Noranda Foreststhe decision to adopt a pro-active approach in simply made sense given the circumstances. In canadian pulp and paper companies so, we avoided potentially costly regulation and a future scientific debate over the environmental consequences of NPEs. In less than two years, Nexfor eliminated the use of all but one of its NPE-based products. Nexfor continues to work with its suppliers to find an alternative that is non-photoactive for pulp that is used in phtographic papers.
For Atlantic Packaging, which produces new and recycled paper products, it only took some gentle prodding from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment MOE and WWF Canada to reconsider its use of NPEs. We followed up with our own research, and it became clear to us that this was a serious issue that required immediate actions.
The company felt it was necessary and worth the effort. As Atlantic Packaging already used a natural surfactant in its deinking operations, it took only a couple of months to replace the remaining products.
In earlyBowater Inc. became increasingly aware of reports that NPEs and their breakdown products may have the potential for endocrine disruption. As a result, an NPE elimination plan was put into place. The process of phasing out NPEs was not quite so straightforward for the suppliers of the NPE-based products.
When important clients began serving notice that they needed non-NPE products, it had an immediate ripple effect. The major suppliers that did not yet have alternatives had to move quickly to reformulate and register their products.
Since then, some suppliers have chosen to adopt a no-NPEs policy themselves, reformulating any and all products containing NPEs. Others simply introduced a new line of NPE-free surfactants, canadian pulp and paper companies. There were those, however, that had already begun to reformulate their products in advance of any notice from their clients. For Dubois Paper Technologies, a medium-sized supplier, this put the company in a good position to react quickly and capitalize on its market advantage.
Dubois began reformulating its NPE-based products indue to the adoption of a no-NPE policy by its parent company DiverseyLever. The new product lines which were reformulated and are now NPE-free include SureSafe, FeltBrite, and DIV-O-KLEEN. Buckman Laboratories, canadian pulp and paper companies, the Canadian branch of US-based Buckman Laboratories International, is a major pulp and paper chemical supplier.
It completed its phase out of all APEs, including NPE, in While we do not necessarily agree that the amount of NPEs discharged by Canadian pulp and paper mills presents a significant environmental hazard based on current knowledge of thresholds, canadian pulp and paper companies additional scrutiny contributed to our decision to act in advance of pressure from our clients.
Some of the NPE-free products include Busperse dispersants, cleaners and boilout additives, Bubreak defoamers, Busan microbiocides, Bufloc polymers, and Buzyme enzymatic biodispersants. It may be lack of information — companies may not be aware that a number of suppliers have already formulated alternatives that are readily available on the market, canadian pulp and paper companies.
Or there may be concerns about the effectiveness of the linear alcohol ethoxylate-based alternatives. While more difficult to formulate these products in a way that retains equivalent product performance, they closely match NPEs in terms of their surfactant properties. Or it may be that some companies are skeptical of the weight of ecological and health evidence concerning the effect of NPEs and unwilling to practice the precautionary approach.
But even in the absence of this assessment, corporate attitudes may change when NPE releases have to be reported to the NPRI next year, canadian pulp and paper companies. Companies like Nexfor, Atlantic Packaging, Bowater Canada, DiverseyLever and Buckman have learned that by acting early, they can make changes on their own terms, and avoid regulation and bad publicity further down the road.
Nicola Crawhall is an independent environmental consultant based in Toronto, canadian pulp and paper companies a former policy adviser to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.
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, time: 8:45Pulp And Paper companies in Canada

Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Ltd. Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Ltd., an integrated kraft pulp & paper mill located in The Pas, Manitoba, Canada has been in operation since Our mill manufactures high performance unbleached extensible sack kraft paper, which is sold globally for various packaging applications Pages in category "Pulp and paper companies of Canada" The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total. This list may not reflect recent changes () Pulp & Paper Canada reports on the pulp and paper industry in Canada through articles about mills, people, innovations in research, technology, management and financing, as
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