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Career reflection paper example

Career reflection paper example

career reflection paper example

19+ Reflective Essay Examples & Samples in PDF Sometimes, it is our experiences that startled and challenged our own voyage that strengthens and improves us to be the best versions of ourselves. If your life experience greatly moved you, there is a certain essay Career Essays Example Reflection. In Ramayana, the exile Fotografo De Guerra Analysis Essay and travel of Rama was the product of the father's wife and betrayal of Career Reflection Example Essays supernatural creatures and jealousy. Adware is usually loaded onto a computer undetected. Non- Plagiarized Content: We provide an infallible guarantee that all our content is written Career Reflection Essay. Words3 Pages. Olivia McCarthy Foundations for Learning September 9, Reflection Paper #1 Upon being asked about my future, I have always been met with anxiety and fear of such unknown. Growing up, as more and more of my peers developed their specific interests and even revealed desired career choices, I only felt lost in terms of what I wished to purse

Career Plan Reflection Paper - Words

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. After taken these career plan building activities they have confirmed to be precisely beneficial skills that I plan to continue to use in my everyday life Berry, Understanding my personal competencies will help me improve my critical thinking skills because knowing my strengths can allow me uses these things more productively to complete a task.

Knowing my personal competencies allows me to understand exactly what areas I can use successfully in my career. Before having a discussion I plan to use these strengths which are organizing, strategizing, career reflection paper example, Innovating, delivering results, career reflection paper example, and goal focus to make sure I know what I am stating in an argument.

These strengths are things I can use in my In this step I must start searching for a career and do jobs search. I will then be able to explore the different careers that are available to me and the ones that I feel that I would do the best at. I career reflection paper example then post my resume and prepare for interviews and go through the process that is the hiring process. After deciding on a career path that I would like to follow for a certain career that I would like I must then begin to learn to market myself, career reflection paper example.

I would have to update my resume to a more professional one as well as learn what my best assets would be for an organization. Milestones Set In going through my milestones that can be accomplished I have decided to set up first and foremost the job search. This will be the most important as it helps me to embark on my journey of choosing and hopefully obtaining a job in my interest areas.

I have decided to wait to set the milestones of preparing for the interview etc until of course I receive week course of Business Communication and Critical Thinking class, career reflection paper example, there were three activities on My Career Plan page on University of Phoenix website that were required to be completed.

The three career reflection paper example were Career interests Profiler, Work Culture Preferences and Reasoning Aptitude. These activities that career reflection paper example taken and completed during this course to help me gain knowledge on the type of work that will be a best fit for me. The activities also helped to form around how this course applies to the career plan.

For instance, the activity on the Career Interests Profiler can give ideas as to the possible career paths for me. I needed to complete a series of questions in order for the profiler to create the careers according to the answers given.

Once I completed answering the questions, the profiler had identified three specific characteristics for me. They were: artistic, conventional and enterprising. Below these there were possible career paths that agree with the three characteristics. Followed by the top picks were arts, designs, entertainment, media and managing. Critical thinking is an important aspect when looking at the arts and managing careers.

Change is key and requires a large amount of focus and creative perspectives, career reflection paper example. The Career Plan Building Activities in addition to this course was a strong the training process 2, career reflection paper example.

Explain how to use career reflection paper example training techniques 3. Define performance management and discuss how it differs from performance appraisal 4. Discuss the appraisal process 5. Compare and contrast coaching and mentoring and describe the importance of each 6, career reflection paper example.

List the basic factors determining pay rates 2. Define and give an example of how to conduct a job evaluation 3. Discuss in detail how to establish pay rates 4. Explain how to apply five motivation theories in formulating an incentive plan 5. Discuss the main incentives for individual employees 6. Outline the steps in designing effective incentive plans 7. Differentiate statutory benefits from Company initiated benefits 8. Career reflection paper example a principle, standard, or quality that has been freely chosen from alternatives and acted upon which is considered worthwhile or desirable.

FILIPINO VALUES the constitution is a formal document embodying social values deemed desirable for the nation. The Preamble states; we, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of almighty God, in order to build a just and humane career reflection paper example and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and the regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace, do ordain and promulgate this constitution.

The Fourfold Base of Filipino Values: 1. Universal to all human beings but with distinctive Filipino flavour. It has similarities with other cultures but different in priority. in china, honesty and hard work may rank highest; Chinese and Japanese cultures give great value to politeness and beauty: American culture to promptness and efficiency; and Filipino culture to trust in God and family centeredness.

It varied in how it is applied, through the norms and traditions. Through historical accounts and influences, how it changes throughout each generation. Career Goals and Learning Plan Paper I am a Grad student at the University of Pheonix pursuing a Masters Degree in Psychology. I have selected this particular field of study because I intend to become a Forensic Psychologist. Forensic Psychology involves applying psychology to the filed of criminal investigation and the law.

I have an undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University and my major was Political Science and Philosophy. I worked as a Legal Assistant in a Law Firm for 8 years and obtained my Paralegal Certificate from Blackstone University in Dallas, Texas. I have spent many long hours in courtrooms and find it fascinating. I have interest in the criminal mind, as well as the rehabilitation of criminals.

What is Forensic Psychology Forensic Psychologists examine methods, career reflection paper example, theories career reflection paper example processes within the criminal, legal and civil justice systems, and also look at and apply psychological theory to a crime or criminal investigation as well as look at criminal behavior. They look at the psychological problems associated with that and fair treatment of criminals including rehabilitation, career reflection paper example.

Specifically they look at the assessment and treatment of offenders. One particular area that interests me focuses around risk assessment with offenders and making decisions as to whether or not they are suitable for re-integration, career reflection paper example. Career Goals My goals are ambitious, and study at the University This is because I knew there will be group discussion with my classmates whom I am not familiar with.

In addition, I need to give a speech in front of my classmates which made me worried and nervous since those are my weakness. However, after attending the lectures and tutorials for a few weeks, I started to gain interest in this course as I learnt a lot of new things.

For example, career reflection paper example, I am now more capable and confident when it comes to writing a proper academic report, drafting appropriate business replies or even analyze a blog. With these knowledge, I know that I will be doing much better in my future.

Despite having to worry about being appointed by my tutor to answer questions, I had funs there. My classmates and I shared, communicated and learnt there! There was once when my group and I were tasked to analyze a piece of academic writing. I was glad because I found the skills taught during lessons highly applicable and useful.

For example fallacies including red herring, hasty generalization, post hoc etc. Besides that, we were able to learn how to communicate with each other during discussions. I was delighted by my group mates as we were able to establish good rapport. Now, career reflection paper example, my group mates are good friends to me as well. Another obvious change in myself career reflection paper example I I have been in teaching for fifteen years so this is a big change for me to switch to business and working more with adults than children.

This class has helped me to see the different ways to manage a group of employees by leading with training, compassion, to have goals for myself and my team.

This class has helped me to understand all the obligations that a managers has to do in their position. The career plan helped me to line out my career exploration and helped me set my career goals for the future. According to the career plan page the next steps in my career plan will to find a career that best suits me and the steps that I must start searching for a career and do job searches.

I then will be able to explore my job careers that are available to me and the one I think I will work best in my career path. The career plan helped me to look at where I would like my career Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Career Plan Reflection Paper. Career Plan Reflection Paper Topics: Critical thinkingThoughtReasoning Pages: 2 words Published: May 13, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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Writing a reflection

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How to Write a Reflection Paper: Guide with Example Paper | EssayPro

career reflection paper example

Feb 18,  · The second is the professional paper. Usually it is written by people who study or work in education or psychology. For example, it can be a reflection on someone’s behavior. And the last is the personal type, which explores your thoughts and feelings about a personal subject 19+ Reflective Essay Examples & Samples in PDF Sometimes, it is our experiences that startled and challenged our own voyage that strengthens and improves us to be the best versions of ourselves. If your life experience greatly moved you, there is a certain essay Oct 21,  · Reflection 4: Reflecting on your own personal career goals, what are the three most important competencies that you would like to improve upon? My desired career goal is to become a professor of field-based HRD/OD in South Korea, someone capable of consulting, teaching, and conducting research in the areas of leadership competency and cultural

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