Cause Effect Essay Chain Organization Name. Help Writing Custom Personal Essay Posted at h in Bombing Of Serbia A Push Dbq Essay by 0 Comments. 0 Likes Oct 22, · Organization for cause/effect order Block organization. Chain organization. 4. Block organization First discuss all the causes as a block, then discuss all the effects together as a block. 5. Chain organization. Causes and effects are linked to each other in a chain. One event causes a second event, which in turn causes a third both causes and effects. You might use cause/effect organization to answer typical test questions such as these: Explain the decline in reading ability among schoolchildren. Discuss the effects of global warming on the environment. Discuss NAFTA1 and its effects on the U.S. economy. Discuss the causes of the U.S. Civil War. Explain the causes and effects ofthe "Stockholm syndrome."
Cause/effect essays: (2) Chain structure | Dr. Saleem Sergio Scatolini
In a relatively short Cause or Effect essay, it is important to remember that Cause or Effect essays are not to be about both causes and effects. On the contrary, in a short essay of words, it is important to focus on writing about either the causes of something or the effects of something, cause and effect essay chain organization examples, not both.
The reason for this is that it is simply not wise to try to cover too much information in a short essay. If you were to write a twenty-page, exhaustive study about air pollution in Mexico City, perhaps it would be possible to write about both the causes and effects, ten pages describing the causes of air pollution and then ten pages describing the effects of air pollution. Using air pollution in Mexico City as an example, it would be very easy to develop a paper about the causes of air pollution in Mexico City as follows:.
What are the causes of air pollution in Mexico City, for example? Students in the past have said 1 exhaust from automobiles and trucks, 2 soot from industry smokestacks, 3 geography, 4 speed bumps, 5 corruption at emissions inspection stations, 6 more high pollution cars as a result of no-drive days, cause and effect essay chain organization examples insufficient low pollution public transportation, etc.
Any of these ideas about the causes of air pollution can be developed into a two or three page essay. It would be possible to write about just one cause, the main cause, and explore it in depth, or it would be possible to write about the three main causes, for example.
On the other hand, what are the effects of air pollution in Mexico City? Any of these ideas about the effects of air pollution can be developed into a two or three page essay. As above, it would be possible to write about just one effect, the main effect, or it would be possible to write about the three main effects. State your organization. In all compositions for an academic audience, you should state your organization. Stating your organization means that you should 1 tell your audience what you are going to tell them, 2 then tell them, cause and effect essay chain organization examples, and 3 then tell them what you told them.
List all of the causes or all of the effects, not necessarily in your essay, but before you begin to write your essay. On a piece of paper before beginning to write your essay, list as many causes or effects you can think of. Using the above example about the effects of pollution in Mexico City, you may write your ideas as follows:. more sitting in front of the television.
runny eyes and nose When looking at all these effects of air pollution in Mexico City—there are twelve of them—it is necessary to consider which ones you want to write about. It would be impractical to write about the first effect and the second effect all the way up to the eleventh and the twelfth effect. In a short essay, listing them all would never work.
But would it be possible to list several effects under a single heading such as health effects as shown in the chart on the right? From the list above, what other effects could be listed as health effects besides runny eyes and nose and emphysema?
There are at least four or five additional apparent health effects listed. Please include them under health effects on the right, cause and effect essay chain organization examples.
Obviously, if you were to write about the Effects of air pollution in Mexico Cityhealth effects would be an important part of your essay.
The full list of the twelve effects listed above contains other negative effects such as 1 negative world attention and 2 decrease of tourism. How can these effects of air pollution be categorized, and what other effects could be listed in this category? Finally, another important cause and effect essay chain organization examples of air pollution in Mexico City relates to lifestyle effects. Besides those listed above and in the chart on the right, can you add other lifestyle effects of air pollution?
Question: Is it possible to categorize any other effects of air pollution in Mexico City? Your goal should be to try to organize your information into three or four main points, if possible, so it can be presented to the reader clearly and concisely.
If you were to write an essay about the effects of air pollution in Mexico, what are the three or four main categories that you would include? List them in the following spaces. Support all causes or effects with supporting details.
Have a rationale for the order in which you present your information. There is often one major cause or effect that is most important, cause and effect essay chain organization examples.
Some sources recommend that you save your most important cause or effect until last. By saving your most important cause or effect until last, they say, you leave your reader with a very strong impression. In reality, cause and effect essay chain organization examples, there is no single, cause and effect essay chain organization examples answer for the order of major causes or effects. Experiment, and develop your own rationale for the order in which you present your information.
Finally, maintain your focus. In a short cause or effect essay of words, limit the range of your topic to either the causes or effects of something. It simply examines the reasons for it.
Using air pollution in Mexico City as an example, it would be very easy to develop a paper about the causes of air pollution in Mexico City as follows: What are the causes of air pollution in Mexico City, for example? Points to remember when writing a Cause or Effect essay. Organization of Effects Essay Health Effects 1. Runny eyes and nose 2. Emphysema 3. Negative world attention 2.
Decrease of tourism 3. More sitting in front of the TV 2. Necessity to stay indoors 3. Lower quality of life 4. Share this: Print Facebook LinkedIn Email Twitter. Like this: Like Loading Send to Email Address Your Name Your Email Address. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.
To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. Effects of Air Pollution in Mexico City. Organization of Effects Essay. Health Effects 1. Effects 1. Lifestyle Effects 1.
How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay (Definition + Topics + Outline)
, time: 6:06Cause Effect Essay Chain Organization Name
Oct 22, · Organization for cause/effect order Block organization. Chain organization. 4. Block organization First discuss all the causes as a block, then discuss all the effects together as a block. 5. Chain organization. Causes and effects are linked to each other in a chain. One event causes a second event, which in turn causes a third Feb 08, · In a relatively short Cause or Effect essay, it is important to remember that Cause or Effect essays are not to be about both causes and blogger.com the contrary, in a short essay of words, it is important to focus on writing about either the causes of something or the effects of something, not both Jun 20, · Cause #1. Cause #2. Cause #3 (and so on) The effect of the causes. Conclusion. 2. One cause, many effects. This type of cause and effect essay is constructed to show the various effects of a particular event, problem, or decision. Once again, you will have to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and analytical mastery of the field
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