Thursday, October 7, 2021

Cultural background essay

Cultural background essay

cultural background essay

Example Of Cultural Background. Shoes were never worn inside of our home and were taken off at the door each time we entered. Education was key, an idea communicated to both my sister and I ever since I can remember. To this day, and throughout my childhood, I knew I was in trouble when my parents called me by my middle name  · Cultural Background Summary. Culture is defined as the system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. Culture helps us understand how things are created, developed, managed and changed Essay on Cultural Background. Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior. It includes ideas, values, and artifacts of groups of people (Schaefer, )

Cultural Background - Term Paper

This paper will define cultural background and examine the multiple sources that make up my own personal cultural background that helped mold my individual identity. Furthermore, the paper will speculate on the extent to which my current identity has been molded by assimilation, acculturation, or climate of cultural background essay. People are unique because no one identity is the same.

Cultural background is a primary source of identity, cultural background essay. Self-definition, expression, and sense of group belonging are aspects of a person that derives partly from his or her cultural background.

For example, two students take the same test and they both fail; however, one student decides to start studying harder and the other student drops cultural background essay of school.

Both students had two experiences that were the same e. the test and failinghowever, the students had two different outcomes e. studying harder and dropping out of school.

Next, the paper will examine the multiple sources of my cultural background. My personal cultural background that makes up my identity consists of multiple sources. These sources have influenced me to live the type of lifestyle I live; to behave the way I behave; and to perceive the world the way I do.

Several environments have contributed to my cultural background. These environments consists of my family and upbringing, school, church, past relationships, work, and past life experiences. Each of these environments played an important role in how I view the world and have instilled in me morals, ethics, and values.

Although these sources have been influential in my life getting me to the point I am currently at in my life, cultural background essay, life experiences have the potential and power cultural background essay change how I perceive the world and my behavior, ethics, and values, cultural background essay.

My upbringing and cultural background essay various environments I have been in have helped me evolve into my own individual person. My family and other interpersonal relationships have been the most influential part of my current identity. These relationships have taught me respect, ethics, values, and, communication skills. Additionally, these relationships have taught me to be able to adapt successfully to change; to strive for the best and to be the best person I am capable of being; and to not settle for less than my own standards.

My own personal cultural background consists of sources such as my personal upbringing, personal religious beliefs, personal values, and personal ethics. My current identity has been molded by pluralism and multiculturalism, or processes that except experiences that alter existing behaviors and beliefs.

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My Cultural Background Essay |

cultural background essay

Cultural background is a primary source of identity. Self-definition, expression, and sense of group belonging are aspects of a person that derives partly from his or her cultural background. An individual’s cultural background, or personal experiences, influences the individual’s behavior, attitude, values, and way of thinking According to Tylor (), a British anthropologist, culture is that complex whole, which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. These influences are conveyed from generation to generation through the learning process  · My cultural backgrounds vary with that of other people due to migration and time of arrival at that particular destination, socio-economic background, and period of settlement, education level, cultural and religious background, rural and urban residence, different life experiences with migration experience (Feagin and Feagin, , p. 42). According to Feagin Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

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