Thursday, October 7, 2021

Database of african theses and dissertation

Database of african theses and dissertation

database of african theses and dissertation

DATAD (Database of African Theses & Dissertations) is no longer available, so it has been retired from the databases list as of January 8, The Libraries deeply regret any inconvenience to our user community. You may also wish to consult with a reference librarian for 25 rows · South African theses and dissertations. Home. Browse. Title (A-Z) Institution (A-Z) By Jul 16,  · Database of African Theses and Dissertations 1. The Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD) Pascal Hoba (DR) Head of Communication and Services 2. Founded: with 34 founding universities Current membership: institutions from 48 African countries About The 3. AAU’s programs

Database of African Theses and Dissertations

For many reasons, African research results are rarely indexed in major international databases, a problem that is further exacerbated by the inaccessibility of theses and dissertations completed in the region, many of which contain local empirical data that is not available in international literature. This inability to learn about and access African material is frustrating to students and scholars—both database of african theses and dissertation the continent and overseas.

Over the years, a number of organisations have discussed the need to do something about African theses and dissertations, but with the exception of print bibliographies compiled by individual universities and a few computerised databases, little has been done at regional level, and these ad hoc efforts have not been sustained. The initiative was born out of a project in following a positive recommendation of a feasibility study carried out in for a pilot project to index, abstract, and distribute theses and dissertations completed in African universities.

The Database of African Theses and Dissertations-Research DATAD-R is a programme to improve management and access to African scholarly work. However, access to this research output is not easy, even within the institutions where they are submitted, database of african theses and dissertation. Some months, years and in many cases longer periods may elapse before papers or other forms of publications describing aspects of the research in these documents can be published.

In Africa particularly, they are an under-utilised information resource. By the very nature, their production in very limited and the only copy available for public access is usually in print and can only be consulted physically in a university library. Issues of copyright and intellectual ownership have been identified as serious concerns for most universities. Only a few have straightforward and up-to-date copyright policies, a reflection of the general situation in most African countries.

One therefore, cannot consider information dissemination without considering these issues. Therefore, within the project framework, the AAU is working with member institutions to develop guidelines for the purpose.

orgthe abstracts database with founding records from the pioneering institutions was launched on 30th April The status of DATAD has now changed from a database of african theses and dissertation to a program and is open for expansion. Implementation of the DATAD Pilot Project has been made possible through grants from the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations to the AAU.

The Coordinator Database of African Theses and Dissertations Association of African Universities P. Box AN Accra, GHANA. Database of African Theses and Dissertations-Research DATAD-R Home Current Projects Database of African Theses and Dissertations-Research DATAD-R. Contributing towards the creation of an environment conducive for research and publication in African universities and the region as a whole.

Database of african theses and dissertation capacity in African universities for the collection, management and dissemination of theses and dissertations electronically. Providing visibility and improving accessibility to the work of African scholars both within and outside of the continent Facilitating the development of relevant copyright procedures and regulations which will promote the protection of the intellectual property rights of African University researchers and scholars Providing support for AAU programs which aim at capacity building in the area of research, promotion of cooperation among member universities and networking of institutions.

Immediate objectives of the program AAU provides leadership and coordination for the accomplishment of three basic tasks: Capacity building at institutional level for the establishment of infrastructure and management structures that support DATAD policies, activities and training. Establishment and maintenance of an Internet access to DATAD. Providing access to the online database and alternative data formats for dissemination e.

g CD-ROM or print. Funding Implementation of the DATAD Pilot Project has been made possible through grants from the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations to the AAU, database of african theses and dissertation.

DATAD: A landmark for research development in Africa Contacting DATAD The Coordinator Database of African Theses and Dissertations Association of African Universities P.

ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis Database

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Databases | National Research Foundation

database of african theses and dissertation

DATAD (Database of African Theses & Dissertations) is no longer available, so it has been retired from the databases list as of January 8, The Libraries deeply regret any inconvenience to our user community. You may also wish to consult with a reference librarian for 25 rows · South African theses and dissertations. Home. Browse. Title (A-Z) Institution (A-Z) By SANAP Bibliographic Database. The South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) Bibliographic database is intended as a useful resource and platform for researchers embarking on sub-Antarctic and Antarctic research. This database is a central repository of records, including books, scientific and popular publications, as well as theses. The current records span from to the

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