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Essay on diseases

Essay on diseases

essay on diseases

Essay On Infectious Diseases. An infectious disease is an pathogenic infection caused by the spread of a microorganism, such as bacteria, virus, fungus, or a parasite. Germs are known as pathogens, tiny organisms that invade the body and make you sick Examples of lifestyle diseases include Alzheimer’s disease, chronic liver disease, cancer, heart disease, asthma, diabetes, stroke and osteoporosis (MedicineNet). The rising of the risk of these diseases are hinged on various kinds of factors including the type of work people do, the location of working place, susceptibility towards stress and the amount of physical activity (MedicineNet) Jun 26,  · Short Essay on Human Diseases () Article shared by. Short Essay on Human Diseases! A disease is a condition that impairs the proper functioning of the body or of one of its part. Every living thing, both plants and animals, can succumb to disease. People, for example, are often infected by bacteria, but bacteria, in turn, can be infected by blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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This bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can have a big effect to those who have cancer, since they have a low immune system. Like any other bacteria, this infection does not only have specific symptoms, but multiple regarding the place essay on diseases comes in contact with.

When it is in contact with a wound green, covered pus can be noticeable. This can have a severely impact to the person causing pneumonia. Overall, researchers have found similar effects to other places it comes in essay on diseases with, some being fever, nausea, and fatigue. It was a disease essay on diseases by the Variola virus both type major and minor, essay on diseases. It was spread through means of contact such as airborne,bloodborne, essay on diseases, and foodborne.

It can be tested and confirmed through the use of an electron microscope and through physical findings. The skin around the sores becomes dry and flakey and sometimes even becomes ulcerated like the skin was eaten away Carson-Dewitt. Along with the signs, the symptom of itchiness almost always appears. The itchiness contributes to the spreading because the patient will feel the urge to scratch the sore, and when the bacteria get under the nails it spreads to whatever else the patient touches.

A patient can also develop a fever, pain, and swelling if the infection spreads and worsens Scholten. If the Impetigo is left untreated it has the potential to worsen and develop into: ecthyma, black essay on diseases around ulcers; glomerulonephritis, a kidney disease; osteomyelitis, a bone infection;sepsis, a systemic infection; scarlet fever; streptococcal disease or pneumonia Carson De-Witt, Scholten. Tetanus can enter the body by; animal bites, skin burns, body piercing and tattoos done with unsterile tools, injection of drugs with contaminated needles, abrasion and laceration, and even circumcision.

Once the bacterial spores have access into the body they multiply at an alarming rate, and deposit tetanospasmin throughout the body. If the lesion is deep the bacterial toxin can thrive better, even with no or little oxygen. Essay on diseases is a neurotoxin that directly targets the nervous system.

All fungal infections can have serious side effects. However, these side effects usually go away once the medication is stopped. The most common side effects of fluconazole and itraconazole are nausea, essay on diseases, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. More severe infection can be treated initially with an antifungal medication intravenously, as amphotericin B Abelcet, Amphotec, other. These drugs control the fungus, but sometimes you do not destroy, and relapses may occur.

A fomite is an inanimate object that can become infected with virus, and in this case, transmit it through skin contact. Fomites that are associated with the spread of the molluscum virus include clothing, towels, bath sponges, pool equipment, and toys. Molluscum can be spread by autoinoculation, the process of scratching a lesion and touching your body, or another body, somewhere else.

Shaving and electrolysis the removal of hair via electric current have been shown to spread the virus. Another condition is if the essay on diseases host does not keep proper personal and environmental hygiene. Many pathogens thrive in dirty environments and if an individual refuses to keep proper environmental hygiene, such individual is increasing the chances of him being infected by pathogens.

Finally, many pathogens are transmitted by vectors and if humans do not take the care to curtail the activity of pathogen vectors, humans are more liable to be infected by the pathogens that these vectors help to transmit. In order for a pathogen to cause disease, describe three things that must happen. The first is that the host needs to be exposed to the pathogen. It is caused by viruses, bacteria or irritants.

That cause redness and a discharge from eyes and sensitivity to light. Pests can be bugs, mice and different creatures, weeds, organisms, or microorganisms, for example, microbes and infections. A few illustrations of pests are termites creating harm to our homes, dandelions in the grass, and insects on our mutts and felines. Pesticides likewise are utilized to execute life forms that can result in infections. Most pesticides contain chemicals that can be destructive to.

Inflammation may be acute or chronic, essay on diseases. It is a result of a response to an injurious agent such as microbes and allergens. Inflammation also repairs or replaces tissue damaged by injurious agent.

Signs of inflammation include tumour or swelling, essay on diseases. Antigens are foreign proteins essay on diseases other chemicals, which bind to antibodies and infection. Here, it reproduces again and becomes inactiv, until stimulated again by certain body conditions. The third and the last stage is the stage of Recurrence, in which the infected person when suffers certain physical or emotional stress. So, Oral Herpes can be very dangerous skin disaster.

But it can be very well managed by the herbal and the natural treatments available for it today. Oral Herpes is incurable, but it can be prevented by taking proper precautions including avoiding having oral sex or making oral contacts like kisses with the infected persons or the unknown persons, essay on diseases. This bacteria can be life threaten when it infects the fascia, or connective tissue that surrounds muscles, blood vessels and nerve.

Streptococcus pyogenes destroy red platelets, white platelets that is the body defense system, and other body cells. With the immune system compromised Streptococcus pyogenes is capable of causing many different diseases. These diseases range from mild, like strep throat and impetigo, to severe, like necrotizing fasciitis, and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.

The bacteria typically enters the body through an open of the skin causing infection just below the skin that spreads to deeper. Further ways the virus can cause infection is by the piercing of skin with unsterilized equipment as well as sharing razors or toothbrushes with someone who is infected. If Inflected blood comes in contact with a fresh cut or open sore it can penetrate the bloodstream therefore the pathogens replicates and proliferate within the blood stream, infecting the healthy host.

This is the primary reason to why an infected mother can pass down the virus to her newborn. Seborrhea Another common skin problem with English bulldog is seborrhea. It causes the skin to become either excessively oily or excessively dry.

Infections, either bacterial or fungal also cause this skin condition. The infection appears as inflamed patches of skin that gives off a bad odor, essay on diseases. What to do Your vet can treat this infection with an antibiotic.

It causes for purple, red, essay on diseases, or brown lesions that can be flat patchesflat but slightly raised It can be detected through a routine physical exam, and the suspicion of an abnormal lesion or skin tumors on the skin.

The physical might ask you about your sexual activity or medical background to determine if there was a possibility for the exposure of the Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus KSHV. It is also common to examine the oral cavity because this is where the virus tends to produce lesions first. After the physician makes a conclusion a biopsy of a small sample of the tissue to the laboratories for examination. Chest x-rays are also used to detect any noticeable tumors or abnormalities, or bronchoscopy where the severe coughing symptoms can be used to determine the possibility of being caused by Kaposi Sarcoma.

IPL Essay On Infectious Diseases. Essay On Infectious Diseases Words 4 Pages. Definitions of Infectious Essay on diseases An infectious disease is an pathogenic infection caused by the spread of a microorganism, such as bacteria, virus, fungus, or a parasite.

Germs are known as pathogens, tiny organisms that invade the body and make you sick. Majority of the microorganisms that live in our bodies or on our skin are harmless. These are called good microorganisms,they are beneficial to our health by providing protection from the bad microorganisms.

While on the other hand, when given the right circumstances some microorganisms can cause harmful diseases. Infectious diseases can be passed from one person to another, transmitted from insects bites or animals, by ingesting contaminated food or water, or being exposed to a toxic environment.

There are four different kinds of infectious diseases, bacterial, essay on diseases, viral, fungal, and parasitic. Bacterial infections are caused by small bad bacteria essay on diseases can be examined on;y by a microscope. Harmful bacteria can cause …show more content… There are two ways to come in contact with infectious agents,either directly or indirectly.

Direct contact is by coming in contact with an infected a host and then ontracing the disease. Infectious disease can spread through essay on diseases contact by these three examples, from one person to another, from animal to person, or mother to unborn child.

Person to person is a very common way for infectious agents to spread, essay on diseases example, touching, kissing, coughing, or sneezing on someone who is not infected. Pathogens can even spread through the exchange of body fluids from sexual contact.

Some people may even have the disease but have no symptoms, this is simply known a carrier. Animals may pass harmful germs to a person if the person is bitten or scratched by infected animal.

If a pregnant woman contracts harmful germs, it can allow an entryway for the pathogens to pass through the placenta to the unborn. Show More. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Research Paper Words 3 Pages Essay on diseases bacteria, essay on diseases, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can have a big effect to those who have cancer, since they have a low immune system.

Read More. Smallpox Research Paper Words 8 Pages It was a disease caused by the Variola virus both type major and minor. Impetigo Research Paper Words 5 Pages The skin around the sores becomes dry and flakey and sometimes even becomes ulcerated like the skin was eaten away Carson-Dewitt.

Tetanus Muscular System Essay Words 3 Pages Tetanus can enter the body by; animal bites, skin burns, body piercing and tattoos done with unsterile tools, injection of drugs with contaminated needles, abrasion and laceration, and even circumcision.

Valley Fever Research Paper Words 4 Pages All fungal infections can have serious side effects. Molluscum Contagiosum Virus Research Paper Words 4 Pages Essay on diseases fomite is an inanimate object that can become infected with virus, essay on diseases, and in this case, transmit it through skin contact.

Explain Three Conditions That Create Opportunities For Pathogens To Be Harmful In A Human Words 7 Pages Another condition is if essay on diseases human host essay on diseases not keep proper personal and environmental hygiene. Essay On Pesticides Words 8 Pages Pests can be bugs, mice and different creatures, weeds, organisms, or microorganisms, for example, microbes and infections. Essay On Adaptive Immunity Words 4 Pages Inflammation may be acute or chronic.

Herpes Research Paper Words 3 Pages Here, it reproduces again and becomes inactiv, until stimulated again by certain body conditions. Necrotizing Fasciitis Research Paper Words 4 Pages This bacteria can be life threaten when it infects the fascia, or connective tissue that surrounds muscles, blood vessels and nerve.

Hepatitis B Case Studies Words 4 Pages Further ways the virus essay on diseases cause infection is by the piercing of skin with unsterilized equipment as well as sharing razors or toothbrushes with someone who is infected. English Bulldogs Research Paper Words 3 Pages Seborrhea Another common skin problem with English bulldog is seborrhea. Essay On Kaposi Sarcoma Words 4 Pages It causes for purple, red, or brown lesions that can be flat patchesflat but slightly raised It can be detected through a routine physical exam, and the suspicion of an abnormal lesion or skin tumors on the skin.

Types of Diseases - Infectious Diseases - Human Health and Diseases - Disorders

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essay on diseases

Essay On Infectious Diseases. An infectious disease is an pathogenic infection caused by the spread of a microorganism, such as bacteria, virus, fungus, or a parasite. Germs are known as pathogens, tiny organisms that invade the body and make you sick Examples of lifestyle diseases include Alzheimer’s disease, chronic liver disease, cancer, heart disease, asthma, diabetes, stroke and osteoporosis (MedicineNet). The rising of the risk of these diseases are hinged on various kinds of factors including the type of work people do, the location of working place, susceptibility towards stress and the amount of physical activity (MedicineNet) Jun 26,  · Short Essay on Human Diseases () Article shared by. Short Essay on Human Diseases! A disease is a condition that impairs the proper functioning of the body or of one of its part. Every living thing, both plants and animals, can succumb to disease. People, for example, are often infected by bacteria, but bacteria, in turn, can be infected by blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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