Thursday, October 7, 2021

Essays on alcoholism

Essays on alcoholism

essays on alcoholism

Essay on Alcoholism. Words3 Pages. Alcoholism. Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact that alcohol dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions  · Alcoholism in the first stage will not be so difficult. But a person who has gone to the extremes and has almost destroyed his life. It will be extremely difficult to bring them back to normal. Self-written story on alcohol Once there was an old man in a village. He had five children. Out these five, four of them were boys and one blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay # 1. Meaning of Alcoholism: The problem of alcoholism has posed a serious threat to modern civilization for the very fact that around the world and particularly in the west very swiftly teenagers are turning alcoholics. It is stated that out of every 20 persons in the U.S.A., at least one is an blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

Essay on Alcoholism | Meaning | Causes & Effects

After reading this essay you will learn about Alcoholism:- 1. Meaning of Alcoholism 2. Classification of Alcoholism 3. Consequence 4. Causes 5. Current Methods to Treatment Alcoholism 6. Psychosocial Measures, essays on alcoholism. Essay 1. Meaning of Alcoholism: The problem of alcoholism has posed a serious threat to modern civilization for the very fact that around the world and particularly in the west very swiftly teenagers are essays on alcoholism alcoholics. It is stated that out of every 20 persons in the U.

Alcohol is the major Psychotic drug used worldwide. Only in the U. there are estimated more than 13 million people who are diagnosed as alcoholics. DSM III-R essays on alcoholism that according to the community study approximately 13 per cent of the adults had alcohol abuse or dependence at some point of their life. Following heart disease and cancer alcoholism is the third largest health problem in the U.

As estimated by DSM III-R about 35 per cent of the American adults abstain, 55 per cent drink less than three alcoholic drinks a week and only 11 per cent drink an average of one ounce or more alcohol a day. Essays on alcoholism pattern also vary with age and sex. Alcoholism is linked with many social evils including automobile and train accidents, murder, rape, physical assault, molestation, industrial accidents and also homicide and suicide.

Essays on alcoholism disrupts social essays on alcoholism familial life. Cancer and heart diseases occur due to heavy drinking. It is also responsible for lowered efficiency and absenteeism among industrial workers. It is considered as the third major cause of death in U. The average life span of an alcoholic is 12 years less than of essays on alcoholism normal person. The W. Alcohol is a depressant drug which affects the central nervous system immediately. It no doubt produces essays on alcoholism stimulation and reduces tension and brings relaxation, essays on alcoholism.

But when larger amounts are essays on alcoholism, sensory motor coordination, balance, vision, speech, thought processes and perceptions are affected. Essay 2, essays on alcoholism. Classification of Alcoholism: i, essays on alcoholism.

The Alpha Alcoholics: It is the beginning stage. The alpha alcoholic depends upon alcohol to reduce or relieve emotional tension or physical pain. It does not lose control after the use of the drug. But when he finds that use of alcohol is more important than communicating with others, his interpersonal relationship deteriorates. In addition to interpersonal difficulties physical problems arise by the excessive use of alcohol like cirrhosis of liver and ulcers, heart troubles.

But in this type there is no physical or psychological dependence, essays on alcoholism. The gamma drinkers lose control of their drinking and exhibit significant signs of physical, psychological and social deterioration.

The physiological dependence in the gamma drinkers is such that when they stop drinking physiological withdrawal symptoms are found. The delta alcoholic is the most severe type among the four. The drinkers drink right from the morning continuously without any break and cannot abstain from drinking for any period of time, essays on alcoholism. He neglects his food and becomes weak. He is never found to be sober. When the drinking is cleared, essays on alcoholism, it leads to severe physiological withdrawal symptoms.

Essay 3. Physiological damages include damage of the liver, endocrine glands, heart failure and hypertension etc. The physical effects are so adverse that according to Talbolt withdrawal from alcohol may lead to death in certain cases. It is also psychologically unpleasant. Hallucinations occur. There is physical pain. Vision and speech are affected. The nervous system may not automatically continue functioning, breathing may stop and convulsions may occur. When this stage is somehow passed, the person gets back his normal life to some extent and many of the symptoms may disappear.

But alcoholic toxicity is still present and needs medical care. Delirium tremens are the most important psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal of alcohol. These tremens occur in people who are over 30 years age and drinking consistently at-least for 4 years, essays on alcoholism. It is caused by a suaden drop in the intake of alcohol.

The symptoms of delirium tremens are restlessness, essays on alcoholism, sleeplessness, night mares, essays on alcoholism, hallucinations, and delusions of terrifying nature. Due to pseudo memory, the person talks about things that never happened to him and this occurs in women alcoholics more frequently.

Alcohol being a central nervous system depressant like the other anaesthetics, when 0. Voluntary motor actions by and large become visibly clumsy at a concentration of 0. When the level of alcohol in blood reaches 0. At 30 per cent a person is usually confused and may become stuporaous.

At 40 to 50 per cent the alcoholic is in coma and at more higher levels, centres of the brain controlling breaching and rate of heart beat are affected leading to possibility of death. Alcohol also decreases REM sleep and causes insomnia. Alcoholic paramecia also may occur in some who are predisposed to faulty adjustment and suspicion. Abuse of alcohol may also lead to all sorts of maladaptive characters like jealousy, hatred, fault finding and the adjustive capacity of the person becomes weak day by day.

Essay 4. Causes of Alcoholism: It is said that alcohol tends to induce a pleasant feeling tone, brings relaxation, reduces tension and provides physical and mental stimulation to work. However, the alcoholic has strong craving for alcohol and this makes him unfit for any job in the sense that his attention is centred around alcohol only.

Some believe that alcoholism or the tendency for alcohol may be inherited. Findings of the studies by EricksonRodgers and Schlesinger show certain evidences of the presence of certain genetic components in the occurrence of alcoholism.

Winokur found that alcoholism does tend to run in families. In a study of hospitalized alcoholics he found that more than essays on alcoholism per cent had a parent who was an alcoholic. It is said that children of alcoholics become alcoholics about 4 times more often than children of non-alcoholics even when they are not brought up by their own parents.

In a 30 year longitudinal Swedish study of adopted male children who subsequently become alcoholics, it was found that about essays on alcoholism per cent had biological fathers who were also alcoholics. Another Swedish study revealed that monozygotic twins had about twice the coincidence rate of alcoholism as dizygotic twins of the same sex.

Studies also indicate a higher craving for alcoholism among dizygotic twins than among non-twin siblings. Irwin reported that more than 50 per cent of the alcoholics had an alcoholic parent, essays on alcoholism.

Studies of Rose, Burks have supported the above study. There are majority of cases where children of alcoholic parents do not become alcoholics. The exact role of genetic factors in the causation of alcoholism is therefore not known. It is viewed that constitutional predisposition to alcoholism can be acquired as well as inherited. However, the genetic factors may play their role in predisposing causes.

Besides the physiological dependence alcohol also produces a strong psychological dependency as well because of the following factors:. It refers to a type of personality which makes one vulnerable or predisposed to alcohol under conditions of stress.

Instead of using some other defence to adjust with or overcome the stress, these people turn to alcohol. Personality studies of alcoholics show that they are emotionally immature, they need a lot of praise, appreciation and attention from others and they are very much hurt and disturbed by failures and frustrations. They feel very in-secured and inferior and have low frustration tolerance. Winokuressays on alcoholism, Pralt and Mcclelland have stated that many young men take to heavy essays on alcoholism to prove their masculinity and to achieve feelings of adequacy and competency.

According to the findings of Jamesessays on alcoholism,Wood uffantisocial personality and depression may also have some links with heavy drinking. In-spite of these findings it is not yet established which specific characters are responsible in the development of alcoholism.

Nobody can deny that there are also many persons with identical personality characteristics and yet they have not become alcoholics. However, the role of personality maladjustment in the causation of alcoholism cannot be denied.

Since excessive drinking impairs the total life adjustment of an individual, the question arises as to what needs alcohol fulfils that the individual so much depends upon it? According to the psychological theories alcohol takes the person away from the burdens, responsibilities, heart aches, sorrows and distresses, essays on alcoholism, worries and anxieties of modern life. Alcohol is a vehicle to escape from conflicts, business worries and inferiority complexes.

It gives courage to the coward, confidence to the timid, pleasure to the unhappy and success to failure that is what those who take alcoholics say. In brief, alcohol permits a flight from the disappointments and frustrations of reality.

These explanations nevertheless speak only a part of the story. Innumerable observa­tions of the personal lives of alcoholics and quite a number of investigations point out that an alcoholic is dissatisfied with life and has very less frustration and stress tolerance capacity.

The effects of drinking -- English Essay -- essay on the effects of drinking in english

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Essay on Alcoholism

essays on alcoholism

Essay # 1. Meaning of Alcoholism: The problem of alcoholism has posed a serious threat to modern civilization for the very fact that around the world and particularly in the west very swiftly teenagers are turning alcoholics. It is stated that out of every 20 persons in the U.S.A., at least one is an blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins It will always depend on your initial subject. You can write about the causes of alcoholism and notice that both poor and rich people can become trapped in this unfortunate circumstance. Your college essay can be reflective by telling about your experience or tell about how dangerous it Essay on Alcoholism. Words3 Pages. Alcoholism. Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact that alcohol dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions

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