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Symbolic interactionism essay

Symbolic interactionism essay

symbolic interactionism essay

Symbolic interactionism as a theory to understand the micro-level phenomenon of the society was given by George Herbert Mead, though he did not do much work on is a sociological theory, also known as a symbolic interaction perspective. Symbolic interactionism focuses on looking at the actions and interactions among the individuals rather than at the group level May 01,  · Thus, symbolic interactionism investigates the meanings that results from the interaction between people in social contexts [23], and at its core is the idea that people attribute symbolic meaning Jan 27,  · custom essay specifically for you for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Symbolic interactionism. This is a concept that is critical in understanding how human beings interact with society. Meaningful symbols are pertinent in understanding how humans act and interact. Therefore, the theory portrays human beings and the

Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism - Essay Typing

According to Harris 1sociologists follow different theoretical backgrounds when exploring certain subjects in the field, symbolic interactionism essay.

Most concepts in sociology are founded on the three key sociological paradigms, which include conflict theory, symbolic interaction, symbolic interactionism essay, and functionalism. Each of these key paradigms has its own inclination when it comes to the conceptualization of the social aspects of society.

It means that they are used differently by researchers and scholars in the field of sociology. This paper explores the three key sociological paradigms that are critical in conceptualizing different phenomena from the sociological stance. The paper argues that the difference in these paradigms or theoretical symbolic interactionism essay lies in their application in understanding the functioning of the society. Functionalism is one of the dominant theoretical foundations in the field of sociology.

Functionalism is a paradigm that stresses on the interactions of people with structures in the society to create meaning from the social sense. The greatest essence of this theory is to explain the importance of social institutions in society, especially the role of these institutions in meeting the social needs of society. The theory maintains that social stability is either fostered or undermined by the social structures that are built Brym and Lie 9. Functionalism seeks to establish the way in which society attains stability and continuity.

This is perhaps one of the reasons why functionalists focus on the structures and institutions of the society, how they are built, symbolic interactionism essay, and the role that they play in ensuring the sustainability of the society.

The main concept in functionalism is solidarity, indicating how well the different elements of the society can work together to attain the main goal of continuity of the society.

Functionalism looks at how different tasks are performed for the sake of adding to the achievement of solidarity in society, symbolic interactionism essay, which depicts a stable society Brym and Lie 9. According to Brym and Liefunctionalism pays greater attention to the systematic nature symbolic interactionism essay interaction and the organization of different elements with the social structures of the organization.

This is the main difference between functionalism and the other two paradigms of conflict theory and symbolic interaction theory. Functionalism can be used to make assumptions about an individual or human actors and society Vassallo According to Brym and Lie 9conflict theory is another critical concept in the field of sociology.

Symbolic interactionism essay conflict theory focuses on large structures and patterns of interaction in society and how conflict arises in these structures and interactions. Therefore, the main argument that is postulated by the proponents of this paradigm is that relations in society generate some attributes of conflict.

Among the issues of conflict that are inherent in the theory are dominion and submission. They denote the struggle between people who belong to different classes in society. The concept that is inherent in the conflict theory is competition, symbolic interactionism essay, where the theory seeks to bring out the aspects of pressure that are generated from the competition.

Aspects of competition feature in almost all aspects of human interaction. This is why conflict is inherent in human interactions in society. The concept of competition is symbolic interactionism essay at from the perspective of the societal structures and the elements of human interaction. This is why the issues of power, symbolic interactionism essay, reward, and interest come into the picture in the theory.

Conflict is often generated from the interaction of these forces. Therefore, it is evident that the conflict theory was developed to critique the issue of societal structures and institutions as postulated in the theory of functionalism Harris The theory is a complete critique of society and structures.

Emphasis is paid to the continual conflict within the structures of the society that necessitate revolutionary change Powers The main aspect of variation between the conflict theory and functionalism is that functionalism focuses on the development of structures that are important in bringing about stability in the society, while functionalism focuses on aspects of differences in the institutions that are set up in the society and how conflict is generated.

It can be argued that the conflict theory has close relations to the symbolic interaction theory that directly focuses on the interaction between human beings and society. The main difference between the two is that the conflict theory largely dwells on the negative forms of interaction Powers This is a concept that is critical in understanding how human beings interact with society.

Meaningful symbols are pertinent in understanding how humans act and interact. Therefore, the theory portrays human beings and the source of most actions. This means that the center of actions and interactions within the society lies with human beings, symbolic interactionism essay. This is why theories that are built on symbolic interaction are critical in building critical concepts that can be used to shape the larger society because they focus on individual human beings and their actions that generate problems in the society Andersen and Taylor Symbolic interaction is based on three main conceptions.

The first one is that the actions of human beings are founded on the way they understand things. The second concept is that the meanings symbolic interactionism essay are attached to symbolic interactionism essay by human beings come from social interactions. The third assumption is that social actions come from an integration of individual actions Andersen and Taylor According to Vassallosymbolic interaction is considered to be micro-sociological in nature.

The rationale behind this observation is that the theory dwells on the individual attributes of human interaction in society. Symbolic interaction emphasizes the direct contact between human beings and society, symbolic interactionism essay.

On the other hand, conflict theory and functionalism are considered to be macro-sociological in symbolic interactionism essay because they deal with collective aspects of the society Andersen and Taylor Also, this theory eliminates the issue of structural determinism by theorizing more on individuals and their behaviors rather than placing the individuals within the context of the larger society, like the case of functionalism and the conflict theory Vassallo It is apparent that all three paradigms attempt to explain the organization of society.

However, variations prevail in the manner in which the paradigms points to the concept of society. Functionalist theories dwell on the structures and institutions in society, symbolic interactionism essay.

Symbolic interaction theories, on symbolic interactionism essay other hand, are based on the human interactions with the society, symbolic interactionism essay, while the conflict theory is based on human interactions and attributes of competition and how they bring about conflict in the society.

Therefore, any sociological concept can be grouped into any of these theories provided that a person understands symbolic interactionism essay variable in the symbolic interactionism essay or the problem that is under research.

Andersen, Margaret L, and Howard F. Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. Brym, Robert J. Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, the Brief Edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, symbolic interactionism essay, Harris, symbolic interactionism essay, Scott R. Powers, Charles H. Making Sense of Social Theory: A Practical Introduction. Vassallo, Stephen. Conflict Theory, Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, symbolic interactionism essay. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies.

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Symbolic Interactionism: COVID-19 Assignment

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what is symbolic interaction theory in sociology? and Examples

symbolic interactionism essay

An example of the symbolic interactionism theory can be traced to teenagers in school. While in school, teenagers tend to focus on the latest trends and what they term as being ‘cool.’ Therefore, for example, there is the latest trend in sneakers or the latest phone model Example of Symbolic Interactionism. You are entering an office to interview for a job. When you arrive, the man interviewing you greets you at the door of Symbolic interactionism as a theory to understand the micro-level phenomenon of the society was given by George Herbert Mead, though he did not do much work on is a sociological theory, also known as a symbolic interaction perspective. Symbolic interactionism focuses on looking at the actions and interactions among the individuals rather than at the group level

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